Copyright Policy
Last updated: May 16, 2024Content (any readable file) uploded to Ask Wei’s public database is shared amongst and readable by all Ask Wei (“We”, “Us”, “Wei Education Group Inc.” and the “Company”) users. Our users are prohibited from uploading or sharing Content to our public database that infringes on copyright. Only share your original work and refrain from submitting content created by others without their explicit permission. Our other service, GPA Booster, also provides access to tutors. When submitting content for tutoring services, please ensure all content to be ultimately submitted to any third party is your original work. Copying content from external sources, whether directly or through paraphrasing, constitutes copyright infringement and is thus not permitted on Ask Wei or any other products and services offered by Wei Education Group Inc.
aAny answers to user questions generated by Ask Wei are copyrighted by Wei Education Group Inc., and therefore, must not be shared with any third parties without the prior written permission and consent of the Company.By submitting Content to Ask Wei:
- 1. You possess the copyright for the Content or have obtained explicit permission from the copyright holders to utilize and upload the Content publicly;
- 2. Uploading the Content will not breach any laws, regulations, or ethics code, including those outlined in your school’s academic integrity policy;
- 3. Uploading the Content will not breach Ask Wei’s Copyright Policy.
If we receive notification that any Content in Ask Wei’s public database violates copyright, we will promptly remove or disable access to it. Additionally, we will take action to terminate the accounts of individuals who persistently breach our Copyright Policy.
At Ask Wei, we are committed to promptly addressing credible reports of suspected copyright violations.
If you believe that content uploaded by a user on Ask Wei infringes upon creative work owned by you or an entity you represent and you wish to request the removal of said content, please write an email to titled “Copyright Complaint for [filename]”. In the body of this email, please include proof that the content is copyrighted or originally created by you or an entity you represent. After review, if we have reasonable grounds to believe that the content infringes on copyright, we will promptly remove or disable access to said content.